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For a “fire warrior” it is not difficult to fight against the fire; it is difficult to fight against “uncertainty”.

“Uncertainty”  stands in front of a fire warrior at every mission. It always exists. It just changes the form in each time. Thus; there is no answer for the question asking what the next difficulty for a “fire warrior”  shall be. The things that exist are its passion for its duties; its courage, knowledge and equipment.

As representatives of a tradition which breathes the heat of the fires, we are well aware of this situation. Consequently, we are integrating hand work into modern technologies of production..

We are producing all of our products centralized within our company, with our own hands since the year 1974, for not to disappoint your trust and  not to let “uncertainty” exist.

We are transforming solutions that are thought to be impossible into “possible”  in order to keep our quality under control. We constantly determine the limits of “possibilities” 

There exist our fingerprints and our marks at every phase of the production process. We have technology. We have our own hand work.

There is no place for uncertainty.